Many people’s daily schedules go like this: wake up, shower, eat, go to work, work, come home, eat, get the household situated, shower again, go to bed. The next day they do it over again.
Mind over matter, right?
Actually, it’s the other way around. In our regular daily cycle, when do we take time to give our mind a break or, better yet, a recharge?
Feeding your mind with senseless entertainment found in many TV shows makes your brain work just as hard. Subliminally, many shows are designed to make you think, “I wish I had it like that.” Today’s society and media have created a hamster wheel that we can’t get off. I am the first one on that wheel daily, but in my journey, I try to change my thought process as it comes to goals and success.
We have to be careful because good and bad mental health is real! We have to do better at taking care of ourselves mentally because we can all slip into a mental state that we can’t get out of. The mind is a muscle, and like any other muscle, it can tear but with no repair.
Our internal gateways
There are three gateways, or entrances, into our mind: the ear gate, the mouth gate, and the eye gate. Let me explain. What we hear directly feeds our mind with thoughts. What comes out of our mouth goes back through our ears, which creates a cycle of those same thoughts. What we see confirms what we’ve heard, which generated what came out of our mouth.
This mental ride is unknowingly driving the vehicle of our mental health. If we are not careful, it hits a fork in the road without us even knowing it.
Why does this matter?
Part of my blog’s purpose is to help readers establish awareness of their mental state. Engaging in meditation and spending time letting our minds recharge are great tools! Whether its yoga, exercise, relaxation techniques, prayer, or other activities, making this time a must in our daily routine will prove to add quality to our lives.